Hinkledux Newsletter Sunday 14 May 2023
Sunday 14 May Holy Communion 8am Hinxton
Sunday 14 May All Age Service 10am Ickleton
Tuesday 16 May Compline 7pm Duxford
Thursday 18 May Compline 7pm Hinxton
Friday 19 May Prayers for Ukraine 12 noon Hinxton
Bible Readings for this week |
Acts 17.22-31 |
Psalm 66.7-end |
1 Peter 3.13-end |
John 14.15-21 |
Risen Christ, by the lakeside you renewed your call to your disciples: help your Church to obey your command and draw the nations to the fire of your love, to the glory of God the Father.
Sunday 21 May Holy Communion 8am Duxford
Sunday 21 May Paridh Holy Communion 10am Hinxton
Tuesday 23 May Compline 7pm Duxford
Thursday 25 May Compline 7pm Hinxton
Friday 26 May Prayers for Ukraine 12 noon Hinxton
Monday 15 May Bell ringing 7.30-9pm Duxford
There is no fellowship this week
Thursday 25 May Fellowship and Bible Study 7.45pm The Old Dairy, Hinxton
zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89267551780?pwd=b2JsSm54YzB3ekt0dWh2NW1PNEFjUT09
Tuesday 16 May Coffee Morning 10.30am Ickleton
Thursday 18 May Tiddlers 10am Duxford
Sunday 21 May Duxford Community Choir Concert 4pm Duxford
Please pray for all who are oppressed both local and around the world
Please pray for all who start their exams next week.
Threads through Creation. You remember Mary recommended visiting this exhibition whilst it was on tour last year. If you missed it you have another opportunity as it is coming to Ely cathedral from 14th June to 23rd July. From the website: Threads through Creation is a spectacular sequence of 12 huge textile panels. It’s an exuberant retelling of the creation story in the book of Genesis, a retelling which many visitors will find both moving and breathtaking. www.jacqui-textile.com
Deanery Ascension Day Service Thursday, 18 May this year is at St Mary’s church, Church Lane, Sawston CB22 3JR. Time: 7.30pm. Kieran Cooper is gathering together a choir for this service.
There will be a rehearsal at 6pm and refreshments before the service at 7.30pm. If you would like to sing, please contact Kieran kieran@kierancooper.com
Thy Kingdom Come 18-28 May, 2023 During this time Christians unite all around the world to pray for each other and those who do not yet know Jesus. For more information and resources click on this link: Thy Kingdom Come
Duxford Community Choir Concert Sunday 21 May 4pm Join us for an afternoon of uplifting and roof raising music performed by our very own local choir. Directed by Rosemary McKillen and accompanied by Alan Bright including a wide repertoire. Tickets are £5 on the door (card or cash) and proceeds will go towards the roof replacement. For details please go to
Raise the Roof
Rogation Sunday Sunday 28 May 10am Last year the weather was amazing, the walk beautiful as ever, lets hope this year is as perfect! We will start at 10am in Duxford and walk, cycle or drive via Hinxton to Ickleton, where we will finish with our picnic lunches. En route we will stop and pray for our communities. Be sure to dress appropriate to the weather if walking! Approximate arrival times will be available closer to the day.
Jesus College Evensong as Hinxton's patron, Jesus College have invited us to evensong on Tuesday 30 May at 6.30pm, with tea in the Prioress's Room in the College Cloisters beforehand. If you would like to attend, please could you let Lydia know by Thursday 25 May.
Daily Prayer resources.
Rev Lydia Smith revlydiasmith@gmail.com
Hinkledux Parish Administrator hinkleduxpa@gmail.com
Additional contact details can be found on the website http://www.hinkledux.com/