Sunday Services

Here's what happens on Sundays
BCP Holy Communion at 8am
This early morning communion service uses the traditional language of the Book of Common Prayer. There are no hymns, but there is a short sermon or talk. The service lasts 30 minutes.
Holy Communion at 10 am
The communion service uses modern language liturgy from Common Worship and includes hymns along with Bible readings and a sermon. On the first Sunday of the month our children’s group,
Sunday Club, also meets. After a time for stories, crafts and games in a separate part of the building, the children join everyone else just before we receive communion. The whole service lasts about an hour and refreshments are served afterwards.
All Age Service at 10am at Ickleton
On the second Sunday of each month there is a shorter and more informal service. This includes a mix of contemporary songs and hymns and a short talk, often along with some interactive storytelling and creative activity. Lasts about 45 minutes.
Pattern of Services
First Sunday: 8am BCP Holy Communion at Whittlesford; 10am Parish Communion with Sunday Club at Ickleton
Second Sunday: 8am BCP Holy Communion at Hinxton; 10am All Age Service at Ickleton; 5pm Taize Location varies
Third Sunday: 10am Parish Communion at Hinxton
Fourth Sunday: 8am BCP Holy Communion at Ickleton; 10am Parish Communion at Duxford
Fifth Sunday: We have a joint service with our neighbours in Whittlesford.
If you have any questions about our Sunday Services or need to get in touch with us about any other enquiry we will be happy to help. Please Contact Us for more information.