Friends of Duxford Churches
The Friends of Duxford Churches Red Dot Art show takes place at St
John's Church over the Easter weekend, between 2pm and 5pm on both
Easter Sunday (20 th April) and Easter Monday (21 st April).
We hope to display the work of many different creative people - basket
makers, embroiderers, jewellers, lino cutters, painters, photographers,
potters, printers, sculptors, silk screen printers, weavers, wood carvers,
wood turners to name but a few - with the option for them to sell their work
if they so wish (hence the red dot of the art show's title).
As usual with our events, admission to view the show is free. Refreshments
will be available and of course donations will be very welcome.
Diary Dates for 2025
Sunday 20th and Monday 21 st April - Red Dot Art Show at St John’s
Saturday 19 th and Sunday 20 th July – Duxford Gardens weekend
Saturday 13 th and Sunday 14 th December- Christmas Tree Festival
You don’t need to come to an event to support the Friends of Duxford
Churches, you can donate as much as you would like by bank transfer
to the PCC, account details can be obtained from
Raise the roof: the backstory
Following the theft of lead from a large part of the roof in 2019, we planned to replace the temporary felt roof with terne-coated steel. With the help of generous grants from the National Churches Trust, Cambridge Historic Churches Trust, the Thalia WB Community Fund through The Landfill Communities Fund (administered by Cambridgeshire Community Foundation), plus the support of friends in Duxford and beyond, this phase of the project has been completed. We are now fundraising to replace the Victorian lead on the main section of the roof which has reached the end of its useful life.